Author Archives: amydepaola

What I Learned from Netflix: Why #OITNB Totally Works.

*NOTE: this is a re-published blog from a piece I wrote on ZoomTilt’s blog. _____________________________ A colleague of mine has been buzzing about her latest gig for the past few months now. Her email announcement that she landed a role on a new series created by the one-and-only-one, Jenji Kohan was super exciting both for […]

I Upgraded to LinkedIn Premium

I recently upgraded to LinkedIn Premium, a move that my start-up and grad school colleagues didn’t quite understand. Why would I pay for something when there is a free version of it available? As someone who prides themselves in being a solid networker I truthfully wanted to know who was checking me out. If you […]

“You-Pedia”: Is “Viral” as Democratic as We Hoped?

This week I started full-time for the summer with ZoomTilt, the Boston based start up that I have been working with for a little under a year now. As the “Manager of Brand and Community Relations” I am responsible for all things that include communications to our internal and external communities; basically the public relations […]

The Summer 2013 To-Do List

Ah, here it is. The Summer of 2013. For me, this summer, as most summers are that have passed, is going to be about organization and productivity. I recently ended my first-year of graduate school, a confusing, life-altering, chaotic and yet lovely experience that kept me extremely busy. You would think that maybe I would […]

The Day I Bought a Boston Red Sox Hat, #KeepRunning

The Day I Bought a Boston Red Sox Hat, #KeepRunning.

The Day I Bought a Boston Red Sox Hat, #KeepRunning

I’ve been debating over the last few days on whether or not I was going to create a post about my experience and feelings over the horrific events that occurred on Monday during the 117th Boston Marathon. It took me about 10 years to articulate my feelings over 9/11, which was published in 2011 by […]

The Day My (lap)Dog(top) Died -OR- The Electrate (Hu)man’s Best Friend?

Its slept at the foot of my bed, its followed me at my hip, its sat next to me on the couch, its been my companion; my trusted sidekick. Its listened to me and hasn’t answered back and I’ve known no matter what happened in my life, that it was mine. Yes, I am talking […]

[Working Title Thesis] Can Narrative Complexity Exist in Viral Video?: Should it? Could it? Will it?

Below is my proposal for this semester’s thesis in the Graduate Visual and Media Arts department at Emerson College. I will be further exploring my research by posting my thoughts and analysis here on Red Gypsy. Feedback is applauded. The migration of modern media to the Internet has affected every media outlet known to man. […]

Love and Other Stuff.

Ah, it is here. Valentine’s Day. My least favorite holiday. And yes, that is because I am one of those bitter people. But I am also pretty sure that it also has to do with the fact that “love” this really overly complicated feeling is somehow positioned to be a tangible, purchasable thing on this […]

Red Gypsy Post Polite: Your Social Media Etiquette (with help from Greg Ulmer)

I consider myself a small social media guru. I manage several Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, I network through the #hashtag and LinkedIn tells me my profile is 98% complete. I have over 1,200 friends; 500 followers; I’m in several dozens of circles and I’m connected to at least 300. These are small numbers I know […]